Music Ministry

Music Ministry

Music is an ancient and integral component of our worship of God and of our spiritual life. It has the power to lift the soul and enhance our spirits. The Church of St Luke and St Matthew is committed to providing a music ministry that encourages thoughtful reflection, deeper connection to one another, and engaging worship that inspires us to lead meaningful lives.

The Choir

Choral music has a rich history in this parish. The first choir was assembled in 1865, and the tradition continued with a Choir of Men and Boys. Near the turn of the century, the parish had three choirs – the church choir, the chapel choir and the Sunday School Choir.

Today, our Chancel Choir composed of parishioners, community members and staff singers leads worship through song at principal services. The choir’s repertoire is drawn from nearly a thousand years of sacred musical tradition; from plainchant to the music of the Renaissance, as well as Anglican choral anthems, Spirituals and Jazz-inspired modern music. In addition to Sunday services, the choir sings a traditional service of Lessons and Carols at Christmas, and Evensong services and additional concerts are offered throughout the program year.

Upcoming repertoire selections are published regularly, and can be found below.

Music Lists

Click on a link below to access the PDF.

September- December, 2024

January- Easter, 2024

September-December, 2023

Juneteenth Concert, 2023

Choir Recruitment

Our choir of volunteers and professionals sings at the 10am Eucharist from September-June.  Voices of all parts and skill levels are warmly welcomed. Rehearsals are held immediately before and following Sunday services, and no midweek commitment is required. 

If you or someone you know would like to join the choir please contact:
Andy Clarke
Leader of the choristers at
347-866-1722 or

As the music ministry continues to grow, the parish is in the process of developing an after-school youth chorister program. This will provide an opportunity for young people in the area to learn to develop their voices in our choral music traditions,  foster friendships and develop a love for music. 

Piano Lessons

On Summer Recess
Piano lessons class begins Tuesday, September 12th and will be every Tuesday 4pm to 8:30 pm.
The price is 30 minutes $35 and 45 min $45.

Any inquiries please email

Family Services

For our monthly family service liturgies, the jazz trio of piano, bass and drums takes the place of the organ as a core ensemble. Our musical selections include hymns and jazz-inspired contemporary music, with an emphasis on texts that are accessible and relatable to our modern faith and lives. Instrumentalists and vocalists are welcome to participate in these services. Contact the Director of Music for more details. 

The Organ

The current organ was installed in the church in 1915 following the devastating fire of 1914 that destroyed the Martin Memorial Organ (IV/60 Reuben Midmer & Sons, 1895). The new organ was built by M.P. Möller, Inc of Hagerstown, Maryland. It has 4 manuals, 80 stops and 61 ranks. At the time of its construction, it featured innovations that placed it at the forefront of organ building technology.

It was rebuilt in 1980 by Schantz, and partially restored and modernized by John Klauder in 2012 following a fire in the vestibule. After recent water damage, the organ is in the initial stages of another restoration that will bring it to a state of good repair.

For more information on the Moller organ click here.

For more information on our pianos click here.

Director of Music and Organist

Wilden Dannenberg
Director of Music and Organist

Wilden Dannenberg is a multifaceted musician committed to engaging people in a range of musical styles and experiences. With a firm foundation in the repertoire of early to contemporary works, Wilden is regularly engaged as a hornist, conductor, arranger and organist. Recent highlights include the Weill Hall premiere of a Carnegie Hall commission, multiple collaborations as a conductor and performer with Pulitzer Prize winning composer Tania León, and a live performance on WQXR’s New Sounds.

Originally from South Georgia, Wilden holds degrees from Florida State and Stony Brook Universities, and is an alumnus of Ensemble Connect, a fellowship program of Carnegie Hall and the Juilliard School. He is a resident artist with the Bronx Arts Ensemble, Assistant Director of the Westchester-based Hudson Chorale, teaching artist for Carnegie Hall, and faculty member at Adelphi University.

Wilden believes strongly in God’s ability to to use music to inspire people to contemplation and action– to go into the world and do the work of the Gospel. He is delighted to serve on the staff of St. Luke and St. Matthew in the fulfilling role of Music Director and Organist.

Got a question?

For more information on the music program please contact us.